The Joy is in the Journey: Meet Purpose Triathlete Sam

In Takapuna, New Zealand, resides Sam Schofield, a passionate triathlete with a strong desire to make his mark in the world of endurance sport. As he gears up for his next Ironman 70.3 attempt in March - hoping to qualify for the World Championships - we had the privilege of sitting down with Sam to find out more about his triathlon journey.
Getting Started in Triathlon
Sam's initiation into the world of triathlon came during the Covid period. "The cycling was so good during lockdown that I decided to take up triathlon. However, running and swimming have been ingrained in me throughout my life," he shares, reflecting on the roots of his multisport journey.
Triathlon, for Sam, is more than just a sport; it's a path to unlocking his potential. "I like that it is one way in which I can fulfill my potential and purpose," he says, chuckling at his play on words.
Race Day Memories
Having participated in numerous races, Sam singles out the Sunshine Coast 70.3 as his favorite. "The location is stunning, providing not just a challenging race but also a picturesque training ground. Being born in Australia, I wouldn't mind moving back there!" he adds with a nostalgic smile.
When asked about his favorite and least favorite disciplines, Sam confesses, "Running is my favorite; it's where I feel most in my element. On the flip side, swimming takes the cake for the least favorite – it's hard to have a chat while swimming. But give me a bike ride in the wind and rain over swimming any day."
Race Day Rituals and Balancing Triathlon, Work and Family
Sam reveals a unique pre-race ritual: "I do 30 minutes of deep visualization before big races. It helps me stay focused and mentally prepared for the challenges ahead."
Juggling work, triathlon, and family is no easy feat. When asked about maintaining balance, Sam humorously quips, "Balance, what is that?" Yet, he emphasizes the importance of surrounding himself with people and avoiding solo training sessions whenever possible. "People are my motivation," Sam declares. He thrives on the camaraderie of training with others.
Words of Wisdom for Newbie Triathletes
For those venturing into the world of triathlons, Sam has a straightforward message: "It won't be easy, but it will be worth it." A testament to the challenges and rewards that come hand in hand with the sport.
"Triathlon is not an easy sport, it's a constant battle of early mornings, movement away from comfort and turning down other opportunities. However, it is singularly the best thing I have ever done to teach myself that I can do hard things, really hard things that other people can't. The process is the success, nothing else matters."
Fun Facts About Sam
Dream Relay Partner: Given the chance to join a relay team with any triathlete globally, Sam doesn't hesitate to name Hayden Wilde. "He is from the homeland, and apart from being an insane triathlete, he's just a really good guy," Sam explains.
Global Living Dreams: "If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be Spain. Yeah, Spain," Sam dreams aloud, contemplating the allure of the European country.
Beyond Triathlon: Besides conquering triathlon goals, Sam has his eyes set on another pursuit – golf. "I love to play golf. Turns out, it's quite a time-consuming hobby. My triathlon might be better than my golf at the moment," he admits with a chuckle.
As Sam gears up for his next race, the Purpose community eagerly awaits to witness the unfolding chapters of Sam's passion, perseverance, and of course - purpose.
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