Purpose Driven Cycling Club: Forging healthy friendships through cycling

The first major ride for Indonesia’s newly-formed Purpose Driven Cycling Club (PDCC) was the Tour de Cirebon where 17 members – all decked out in the same PURPOSE PRO Mirage cycling jersey – rode 160 kilometres from Cikampek to Cirebon.
“PDCC is a cycling community formed in September with the objective of creating healthy friendships through the shared passion of cycling,” said Teddy Y. Danas, 54, founder of PDCC and Senior Vice President of Bank Mandiri.
“The members of this community are cycling enthusiasts who live around Bintaro and frequently ride the Bintaro Loop. Because of the strong emphasis on cultivating friendship, we are very selective with recruiting members and one of the main requirements is we all must have the same chemistry.”
On 24 October, the members of PDCC were transported by bus to Cikampek, where they started the 160km Tour de Cirebon at 6.30am with a peleton formation led by Om Toto and Om Fendi.
Travelling at an average speed of 32-34kph, they stopped twice at 55km and at 114 km. The end point was at Empal Gentong & Empal Asem H Apud, a restaurant that serves empal gentong, a traditional dish of Cirebon, where they were rewarded with a sumptuous lunch.
Their next major ride is planned for mid-January 2021 on the Bandung-Pangandaran route of about 205km.
“We chose to wear PURPOSE because we like how the material is comfortable, the colours are bright and the jersey is aerodynamic. It also keeps us cool and is very suitable for use in tropical countries like Indonesia,”
Teddy added. A triathlon enthusiast himself, Teddy enjoys cycling and running, and has taken part in world marathon majors in Tokyo and Berlin, as well as in Ironman 70.3 races.
“I started cycling in 2003 and am still actively cycling at least three times a week to maintain health and friendship with fellow cyclists – which is what PDCC is about.”
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To the purpose.asia administrator, Thanks for the great post!