Inspired by two worlds. Designer Sue Kay talks about the ideas behind the 20/21 Series

Clad in skin-tight Lycra and punishing themselves in the heat. That’s what most people see when they watch a triathlon race. Not for the creative mind that Sue Kay has.
With a mind that thinks in pictures, Sue associated the sport of triathletes to amphibians when she was spectating her first Ironman 70.3 race six years ago. It amazed her, just “how fast and swift they move from one environment to the other; almost without thinking, almost second nature.”
That thought stayed in Sue’s mind thus when it came to designing PURPOSE’s 20/21 collection of new trisuits and cycling kits, she instantly knew what her theme was gonna be – the meeting of dual worlds of sea and land, what amphibians and reptiles inherently are, both predator and prey.
When amphibians and reptiles play the predatory role, when they are on the offence, they are beautifully striking. Colours and patterns emerge from their skins to incite emotion – to frighten, to scare, to intimidate; or at the other end of the spectrum; to attract affection, attention and admiration.
These colours and patterns are what make up our upcoming Agama Suits. They reflect light and have an iridescent layer where light can shine through so people can see you from far.
When they are preyed upon, they have the ability to blend into their surroundings. That’s the great ability that only chameleons possess. And this is why our Chroma suits carry muted colours. But don’t underestimate these suits; they also have an iridescent glow in the dark.
This unique ability of the suits to shine and glow in the dark is something that has never been done before. It gives added visibility, making it safer to train early in the mornings and late in the evenings – which is when most triathletes train.
When you put on one of these suits, you will have an armour to protect you. The suits will work with you, instead of against you. Fully fitted in HYPERMESH material, which dissipates heat and perspiration easily, you can now train and race without any worry.
We have taken care of the suit for you, so all you have to do is focus on your training, your race, your performance. The suit pushes as hard as you push, and our latest collection will make you shine.
Whether it is the Agama or the Chroma, we’ve got your back. After all these months of being limited, it is now time to strike.
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