Better, Faster, Bolder. A Different Approach to Jerseys and Triathlon Suits.

In sportswear, technical does not necessarily mean ‘tech’. Instead technical is about approaching product design differently–either by implementing small functional changes or using an entirely new fabric altogether to help in performance enhancements or something truly game-changing.
Like Adidas’ implementation of the three stripes, Nike’s waffle sole, 2XU’s compression, or even Carlton’s (later absorbed by Raleigh) carbon fibre bicycles; none of these implemented new technology. Rather, they showed how progress can be about making simple tweaks in design and production.
Like them, Purpose wants to do the same with cycling jerseys and triathlon suits.
Purpose’s focus on technical fabric is not by accident. Without a deep cycling heritage, like those of our brothers and sisters in Europe and the USA, Purpose does not have the luxury of history.
Instead, what Purpose can do is look forward. Rather than look back, Purpose’s future-forward mission is about innovating and experimenting when it comes to the creating and implementing of technical fabrics into cycling and triathlon wear.
A technical approach to jerseys and triathlon suits, Purpose focuses on combining multiple breathable lightweight material in its jerseys and triathlon suits to make them perform better and feel more comfortable.
By making jerseys and triathlon suits layered and made with a combination of several featherweight, breathable and stretchable meshes, Purpose is able to make jerseys that perform better while being extremely comfortable to wear. Better, faster, bolder is Purpose’s approach to this.
Better – because it is Purpose’s mission to make every jersey the most comfortable jersey an athlete will ever wear. Faster – because by approaching it from a technical perspective,
we break ourselves from the constraint of heritage. Thus opening up opportunities to innovate with new technical fabric and materials for lighter, faster jerseys and triathlon suits.
And most importantly bolder – stemming from our desire to be unique in the way we build our jerseys.
Bolder too because we accept that in experimenting with new concepts in performance wear, we may face failures in some. However, failure is a culture that we embrace. Failure is learning, and through learning we learn to make better products.
When Purpose started, our manifesto was clear – make it light, make it breathable and make it comfortable. We keep to this till this day. Hence instead of jerseys with the usual traditional fabrics, we innovated by making jerseys from fabrics that long distance runners will wear for running.
Long distance running put more emphasis for fabrics to be light and breathable over long periods. We took that thinking and developed jerseys that uses fabric from running materials resulting in jerseys that at that time, were much lighter in total weight than conventional ones.
We also made our jerseys snugger and tighter around the body areas that matter. Candidly, we could not understand why only top end jerseys had this fit.
We had asked ourselves why common riders like the rest of us do not have access to better fitting jerseys at a price that is achievable. Hence the first jerseys that we produced became the most comfortable jerseys you have ever worn.
Purpose Flow 2016 and 2017 versions. Whilst the 2016 Purpose Flow (left) was innovative in it use of super-lightweight running mesh fabric and ultra-stretch front and back panels,
the 2017 Purpose Flow (right) experimented and pulled off a bolder approach in implementing an ultralight micro-mesh layer across all of the body and arms. This makes for a like-skin feeling, making it the thinnest, lightest skinsuit ever.
One year on and with the launch of Purpose’s new range, we have made our jerseys better, lighter, faster and even more comfortable than the first series. What was already lighter than most others with the first version then, became even lighter with these updated ones.
What was previously one level of comfort and performance, now has 4 levels.
The new Better, Faster, Bolder range improved on what we had done. What was already light became even lighter. What was faster became more performance oriented as we introduce a wider range to cater for training, performance and race-day wear.
Additionally, what makes Purpose better this round is in how we’ve boldly combined multiple types of mesh fabrics into each level of jerseys in order to give the performance required at every level.
The 2016 series became our Level 1 jerseys – Lightweight, super-stretchable and breathable, with a comfortable snug fit.
Our Level 2‘s improved on the previous version’s fabric. The implementation of a dual-mesh system ensured even better comfort and breathability at different riding conditions and positions.
With the Level 3 jerseys, a triple-mesh system was developed. A bigger, wider mesh zone around the shoulder and chest, a four-way stretchable mesh at the side seams and micro-mesh layers for the main body and back.
The introduction of micro-mesh fabric for the front and back meant that we are now able to make the jersey more aero and race-fitting, whilst delivering top level comfort.
Level 4 brings new thinking into the skinsuit category. Whilst traditionally most skinsuit utilises thicker fabric to make the suit more streamline, we made the new Purpose Flow different.
By again implementing lightweight fabrics from other sports, we’ve made the Purpose Flow 75% lighter than any traditional skinsuit; making it the lightest, most breathable skinsuit you will ever wear!
Combining multiple fabric technology with simple beautiful designs, Purpose experiments and innovates with all their jerseys and athletic suits. Made especially for riders, triathletes and runners in the hot humid conditions of South East Asia .
Whilst one may argue with going against tradition, our approach is anchored on making the most comfortable jerseys and triathlon suits an athlete will ever wear. Comfort for us is defined by weather, heat and humidity of South East Asia.
Notoriously known for its hot, humid condition; riders, runners and triathletes in South East Asia train and race in temperatures that can go up or even exceed 40º celsius with humidity of 90 over percent on an almost daily basis. Thus comfort is about staying as cool and light as possible.
When athletes here ride, run and train for many hours at a time in this kind of hot humid condition, staying optimal is almost always a result of staying comfortable.
This is the thinking that led us to take a different approach to the making of our jerseys, triathlon suits and bibshorts. It is a mission that led us to make this promise of the most comfortable jerseys you will ever wear.